What Do You Control?

There is the well-known Serenity Prayer, which goes, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the… Read More

Never Forget To Laugh

“To be serious is to be self-righteous.  The foundation of healthy humor is joy.  Before we can have a sense of humor, we must be joyous.  If we are joyless,… Read More

When the Rabbit Leapt

At the lake, there are dramas every day on and around the bird feeders, especially during the winter months.  In winter, the main bird visitors are chickadees, nuthatches, dark-eyed juncos,… Read More

The End of Guilt

A young man sat on a riverbank.  In a peaceful state, he was absorbed in the sounds and sights of nature surrounding him.  Suddenly he heard desperate cries for help.… Read More

Are You Grown Up?

“Why don’t you just grow up!”  Has anyone ever said this to you?  Have you ever said this to someone else?  Usually, someone says “grow up” in the context of… Read More

The Real Reason for Relationships

In the United States, there was an average of 6,200 marriages each day in 2019.  Last year 2.3 million couples got married.  The average cost of a wedding was $20,000. … Read More

Simplicity Is Power: The Tattoo

A few years ago there was a very popular song by Bobby McFerrin entitled “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”  The lyrics are a litany of serious life problems most people face… Read More


I think I know how avalanches occur.  I have seen a few mini-avalanches outside my window on the tree branches.  Rarely does the snowfall in a straight vertical pattern here… Read More

The Battle of Epic Proportions

For the last two-plus years, I have been living in a 20-year-old Mexican colonial style home in the Tepozteca mountains in the Mexican state of Morelos, about two hours south… Read More
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