Never Forget To Laugh

“To be serious is to be self-righteous.  The foundation of healthy humor is joy.  Before we can have a sense of humor, we must be joyous.  If we are joyless,… Read More

The End of Guilt

A young man sat on a riverbank.  In a peaceful state, he was absorbed in the sounds and sights of nature surrounding him.  Suddenly he heard desperate cries for help.… Read More

The Irresistible Call

As is usually my practice in the mornings when at the lake cabin, I had set a kettle of water on the stove, turned the knob to high, and gone… Read More

The Hideaway

  I remember as a young boy of age 8 or 9, the thrill of building a “fort.”  One fort, in particular, stands out in my mind.  I grew up… Read More

On the Road Again

  A Satisfied Mind How many times have You heard someone say If I had his money I could do things my way But little they know That it’s so… Read More

Finding the Right Place

About two years ago I started a rock garden with cacti and succulents.  (The length of time from then until now is important to remember.)  The feature photo for this… Read More

Two Different Searches

Years ago when my children were ages 12, 9 and 8, we took a family vacation to Disneyland in Orlando, Florida.  Rather than spend all our time there, we took… Read More
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